About Us
Houghton Marine Service, Inc is now offering Mooring service in Marblehead, Salem, Nahant and Swampscott Harbors! In 2022, Houghton Marine Service, Inc. will celebrate over 44 years in the Mooring business. For the past 42 years Houghton Marine was the only mooring service in Winthrop and Boston Harbors. However, in 2021 Houghton Marine sold it’s Winthrop and Boston customer base and has moved the mooring hauler and all equipment to Marblehead and surrounding harbors to offer the same great service for the North Shore boaters as well.
Our Equipment
The Iron Eagle, was custom built in Rockport Maine in 2004. It is a 34 foot long aluminum hulled mooring hauler with twin caterpillar diesel engines. Iron Eagle has the capability to lifting 25,000 pounds and along with providing mooring service the mooring hauler has been used to salvage small boats, lift docks for repair, and special customer projects through the years.
About Moorings
Moorings with a concrete block design work best for rocky bottom harbors such as Marblehead and Salem. However, mushroom style moorings work best in muddy bottoms. Houghton Marine will set up the system that is right for you based on the harbor regulations and your boat to design the right mooring system for you.
In 2022, Houghton Marine Service, Inc. celebrated over 44 years in the Marine industry. We are now offering full mooring service in Marblehead, Salem, Swampscott and Nahant Harbors.
Houghton Marine is known for personalized and responsive customer service while offering great knowledge of the harbors, and yacht clubs in the area.
A family owned and operated business; we pride ourselves in working with our customers to tailor the mooring that is designed specifically for each customer's needs using the best products available in the marine industry while making it affordable whenever possible.
Our primary business is to provide our customers with their seasonal mooring service which includes a spring and fall mooring inspection of the mooring equipment, as well as storage of pennants and pick up buoys during the off season.
Inspection and Installation
Service and Repair
Removal and Inspection


